For the ladies!

First of all, many thanks to all of you who have purchased the Journey3 pipe, and all your positive feedback.  This is still the pipe that everyone is talking about, and It is good to see satisfied customers!

I decided to take a look at all of my online sales to date to try and determine just who is actually buying the pipe, and I was surprised to find that of my online sales, 65% of "Ship To:" names appeared to be female in gender.  That got me thinking -- why are so many females purchasing this pipe?  Then it hit me.  I came to two conclusions: 1) Females may not feel as comfortable as men to walk into a head shop and plop down 40 bucks for a smoking pipe, and 2) Female shoppers outnumber male shoppers by about the same percentage (60/40).  So with that information, I dug a bit further and came up with some interesting statistics, courtesy of Jeanine Moss, co-founder of Annabis (more on Annabis a bit later on):

About Women and Cannabis

  1. 21 million women in the U.S. are over 18 years of age, have tried cannabis and earn more than $75,000 per year. -  U.S. Census Bureau, Pew Research Center
  2. In Colorado and Washington, the key demographic in the legalization movements were 30- to 50-year-old women. - Wales-based Global Drug Policy Observatory.
  3. Women hold 36% of leadership positions in the cannabis industry, significantly higher than the 22% average for U.S. companies in general.  Pew Research Center

So, hats off to you ladies out there!

About Annabis

Annabis (www.annabisstyle.com) is an upscale accessory company geared toward the affluent, upwardly-mobile woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get it.  The company manufactures a line of handbags to complement the Cannabis lifestyle.  Take a look when you can, and when you do, you will see our Journey3 pipe in the graphics.